Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Infusion of Home

So my parents have been here for the last 3 days and I cannot explain how much I needed to see them. I'm sure after my previous post about my feelings towards lackadaisical bloggers, and my intention to share my wine knowledge my absence has seemed strange. Here's the deal, my program is kicking my ass. I'm doing really well, but between school and work, my only free time goes to studying. We just wrapped up Italy and the truth was I was feeling burned out. So having my Mom and Dad here, and being able to share my life with them was the break I desperately needed. We spent Sunday driving the coast to the north where we picked up some oysters from Hog Island Oyster Co. and some cheese from Cowgirl Creamery and had a picnic at the Point Reyes National Seashore, then we had dinner at Yoshi's in Oakland (Much thanks to June and Cathy for their thoughtful and well researched birthday gift!). Monday I took my Italian exam, my parents came and saw my school, and we went up to Testarossa. Then we had a fantastic Italian meal at Original Joe's. Yesterday I played hookie and we headed south to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I'm sure from previous nautical post, you could guess that I love aquariums! Then we went and had a delicious dinner at Tee Nee Thai and I took them to see Wine Affairs. Today they headed south, and it's back to the grind for me. I have a month to go till my exam, and I need to buckle down and barrel through. Luckily I have a fantastic study group that has become and indispensable support system. I think I'm going to hold off on wine posts however, because frankly I'm bogged down in it, and just can't expend the energy.View of the national seashore.

Family reunion minus the eldest brother and his lovely wife.

A few gems from the aquarium

So I really just discovered the video feature on my camera, so bear with me as I overuse it.

Me and my Momma observing the fishes swimming so loyally against the man made current.

I love the grace of the Seahorse, not scary at all like legit horses. Plus the Daddies have the babies, awww.

(I couldn't get this video to load. I will try again later!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Always

My Mom is the Best Mom EVER. I know you're reading this thinking, 'Your only saying that cause she's your mom, and really MY mom is the Best Mom EVER.' Well let me set the record straight, I'm sure your mom is great but she can't be the Best Mom EVER, because that title belongs to my Mom.
As I've mentioned before, I really must have fantastic Karma, because I am blessed with the best parent/child relationship of anyone I know. No joke, I get along swimmingly with my parents. My mother is my numero uno. I call her everyday, sometimes twice. I tell her EVERYTHING, even the gory details of life I'm sure she wishes I wouldn't. She is my ultimate confidant, advice giver, cheerleader, moral compass, and life coach.
This past week I had my first real bout of homesickness. Reason being, I was actually sick and my Mom couldn't take care of me from New York. My mother is a nurse, and I am spoiled because of it. Whenever I am sick she takes care of me. If the house isn't stocked she goes and gets me the necessities, Coke/ginger ale (also known as cure all), ritz crackers and chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese and tomato soup (my ultimate comfort food), trashy magazines, and rentals from the video store. Even when I was faking it ( which when I was in grade school was 97% of the time) she still took care of me, because she knew it was what I needed. Now I'm a growny-yup and I have to fend for myself, which basically meant I went got all those things for myself and then whined about how much I wanted my Mommy. Lucky for me I will be getting her, a week from today in fact! Let me tell you, I am counting the minutes. I cannot wait to have a little Mom (and Dad! You rock too!) love in my life.

I love you Mom. You are absolutely, without a doubt, my favorite person on the planet. I couldn't live without your love and support to guide me. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
