Monday, February 14, 2011

I Really (Don't) Hate Valentines Day

So I know being a young single women means I should despise the (hallmark) holiday of love, but I really don't. I've never really been in a relationship during it, and I've always enjoyed. Way back when you're in elementary school and you have to have a valentine for everyone in your class. To present day where a the husband of a very good friend of mine buys me roses to tell me how much my friendship means to him, and how much he's going to miss me after I move.

I've never not had a Valentine because I've always had a whole bunch of Valentines. Which the way I think it should be. Flowers and candy from Daddio, cards from my friends, phone calls from my brothers. I know it's an over blown made up holiday, but I like it. My absolute adoration of sending and receiving mail makes it a holiday right my alley. I don't think there is anything wrong with another opportunity to appreciate the important people in your life, and make sure they know it.

This is especially true as my time on the west coast comes to a close. When people ask me what I have on my agenda before I leave, the things I absolutely have to do/see, there's only one thing on my list: Spend time with my friends.
However a sub-category of that is PARTY. And by party I mean, taste and carefully analyze beverages to better my palate and further my education. No, really. This week is San Francisco Beer Week. This is one of the first big west coast events I partook in after moving here a year ago. I went with Christopher and a whole group of his friends to Magnolia in the city for their strong beer week. I vehemently disliked beer and spent the whole night drink a framboise (Belgian fruit beer brewed with raspberries) because it tasted like liquid jolly ranchers. This year I have four events that I organized and am running at the bar, as well as a long list of events I'd like to attend. I'm going to try to write a post for each one, starting with tonight's wine vs. beer dessert pairing. So be sure and check back!

Friday, January 28, 2011

At Your Service

When I made the decision to pursue a career in hospitality, it quickly became clear that a lot of people can't seem to grasp the concept that a job in hospitality is a career. At my high school graduation party, a well meaning attendant pulled aside a good friend of mine and told him he really should talk to me about attending culinary school. He said I was an extremely intelligent young women and I didn't need to give up so young.
As a server I get asked countless time a night, "So are you in school? What's your real job?" When you respond that this is your real job, they stare at you like you've got three heads. At this point I'm used to it. It really doesn't bother me and I smile and ask if they'd like anything else. I get it, because they aren't totally wrong. For a lot of people restaurant work is a stepping stone, but for others it's their life blood.
I am extremely lucky in that the people in my life not only support my career choice, but they actually get it. They aren't all hospitality workers, but they are all hospitality people. The next great meal is what they plan for, and they revel in the experience of it.
There was an article on this morning about people who work in the upper echelon of the New York city restaurant world, and how competitive it is to get there. Having just gone through a series of interviews I found it extremely humbling, but it also got me really excited about the prospect of working in an establishment like this one day. A place full of people with the same passions I have. Where maybe I won't be asked, "So what's your real job?"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eastern Migration

So after three months of blogosphere silence, I'm breaking it to follow up on my previous post. I was back in New York last week, and I went on a few job interviews. They all went well, and wanted to set up follow up meetings. In person, in NYC. This was the final push I needed and I'm moving back east.
I've given notice at both my jobs, and intend to leave February 28th. I have mixed feelings about my decision. I am so sad to leave my friends and Christopher in California. I'm also unbelievably excited for this next chapter in my life and my career.