Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eastern Migration

So after three months of blogosphere silence, I'm breaking it to follow up on my previous post. I was back in New York last week, and I went on a few job interviews. They all went well, and wanted to set up follow up meetings. In person, in NYC. This was the final push I needed and I'm moving back east.
I've given notice at both my jobs, and intend to leave February 28th. I have mixed feelings about my decision. I am so sad to leave my friends and Christopher in California. I'm also unbelievably excited for this next chapter in my life and my career.


  1. Congratulations and best of luck on the meetings! We'll have to hang out once you're settled (and once it's warmer).

  2. I am SO glad you have started blogging. I was about to send you a letter expressing my disappointment. Now I'll send you a friendlier letter.

  3. YAY!! I will keep you posted on NYU and Columbia... perhaps future roommate! :D

  4. I'm shocked that a post actually exists... but YAYYYYY EAST COASTTTT!!!!
