Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blogger, Maybe?

I created this blog over a month ago, about 2 weeks before I moved. At first I thought I'd write my first post about my birthday, and my impending move, my anxiety, my excitement. But then it felt too personal. So then I thought I'd start blogging once I'd left. I mean 2 weeks traveling the country, I would have tons to say. But I was too caught up in the actual act of it, to take the time to write about it. No problem, I'd start once I'd arrived. However without a job, and having not yet started school, I really didn't have anything to say.
Well, now I have a job, and what a relief it is. After relentless e-mailing I finally got a bite, a serving position at a wine bar. So I went and interviewed (The place was AMAZING, boutique wines served in flights, my kind of joint.) and then I waited and waited, and just when I'd given up hope, BAM! they hired me. So today I start training and I'm really excited- but wait! I get a call from a tasting room manager at a vineyard, and she thinks I sound like a perfect candidate for tasting room attendant (my dream part-time job) So now I have an interview there tomorrow. As they're both part time positions, working for people who are supportive of my school, and expanding my experience, as well as willing to schedule me so I can manage all 3, I think it may work out perfectly (here's hoping.)
So now I have to find an apartment, a bank, a pharmacist, get a California state driver's license, and register my car. Real life is an awful lot of paperwork.


  1. woot WOOT! life in sunny CA sounds awesome. look at you, ms. sunshine state! im so happy for you!

  2. I agree on the paperwork thing. It's nonsense. But I am so excited to hear about your tasting room job, you'll be just like Sandra Oh in Sideways, but without the illegitimate kid and motorcycle.
