So I know I haven’t blogged in forever, and my 3 readers must be extremely annoyed with me. However I’ve been grappling with a decision, and I didn’t want to write about it until I’d made up my mind. It’s no surprise though since I’ve solicated everyone’s opinion and alluded to it in many a Facebook status. As I’m looking to make my next career move, I’ve had to evaluate where I want to be. I’ve been applying for anything that comes my way, but where did I want to narrow my search? There were really only 2 choices, here in California or back in NY?I spoke to everyone and anyone about it, and the results were all the same, the decision was mine and where did I want to be. As I’ve written about before, I’m really happy in California. I haven’t had any intense bouts of homesickness, I’ve made friends and set down roots. There is so much to do and explore here and I haven’t even scratched the surface. NY is my home, and (most) of my family and friends live there. I like snow,and cold is something I’ve come to expect and know how to deal with. My mom just came to visit and It was amazing to see her, and if I lived in NY seeing her and everyone else would be much easier. Don’t get me wrong the restaurant industry in NYC is unbelievably competitive, but there is a significantly smaller pool of certified Sommeliers, which gives me a leg up.
So for about a month now, I’ve flipped flop back and forth. I’ve applied for jobs everywhere, not with any luck yet. I have a great day with my friends here, like Monday when the SF Giants won the world series, and think I should stay. Then I think about living in NY, and family and friends able to visit with a train ride and not a cross country flight, and I think I should go.
So I’m sure by this point you’re screaming at your computer saying, well? Which is it? The fact I have to face is I’m an adult and I have to take responsibility for my life. Right now I’m in California and I’m gainfully employed. I haven’t been saving to move, especially not to someplace as expensive as NYC. Christopher is so happy in California, one look at how content he is here and you know he belongs. Seeing that has confirmed in me, that I’m an east coaster, through and through. So I’m narrowing the bulk of my job search back east, specifically NYC. I’m saving my money, and working out the logisitics of moving back across the nation. That being said, I don’t have a job there yet, and if the right opportunity arises anywhere, then that will be where I have to go. Whenever I find the situation that’s right for me, I’ll scream it from the roof tops so loud, you all be able hear me. No matter which coast your on.
So, one, :-). And two, thank you for finally posting, buttface. And three, :-D!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI saaaayy New York! That was you can see friends, have a LOT of networking opportunities (not that you don't in Cali), and you don't have to worry about traveling far for the holidays. I think with other major cities within a 200-300 mile radius, it may be easier to expand your career somewhere else (if you really wanted).
ReplyDeleteNew York is closer to me. End of story. (:
ReplyDeleteBut no, really, I think everyone's given you the right advice, and you have drawn the best conclusions: it's completely up to you, and ultimately (no matter where you want to be) you'll need to go where the money/jobs are. Life is never set in stone, though; even if you have to spend the next year or two in CA (or Texas, or Alaska, or whatnot) you'll still be able to make the choice to move at a later time. Unless, of course, some handsome beau comes along, and then you'll want to stick with him. =P
Woohoooooo! If I get into NYU Law and you are living in the city too, that would be frickin awesome. Yaaaaayyyy :)
ReplyDeletePlease start blogging again... your three readers miss you.
ReplyDeleteAgree with Kel! (: