Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Honeymoon is Over.

I'm sure some of you will read the title of this post, and think 'oh no.' As previously mentioned for the four months I lived in Florida, I suffered from CRIPPLING homesickness. More then once I was ready to quit my internship, screw school, and move home. It was that experience that caused me great apprehension when I decided to move this time. I know, I know, I'm older and wiser and more mature, yada yada yada. I loved living at home, and could have happily stayed in my home town forever. As far as my career was concerned, that wasn't an option. When I say the honeymoon is over, I do not mean it negatively. When I first got here and settled in, it was like you hear people say, California is a fairy-tale land (with the exception of the highway system.) Beautiful weather, new job, new people, it was like I was on vacation. Now, it's starting to feel like my life. Last Thursday, I was rear-ended. Nothing serious, a good amount of damage to the back of my car, but I was perfectly fine. I was calm while dealing with the police and the insurance. Got in touch with my parents, let them know what had happened and that I was okay. Took my car to a local shop, swapped it with a loaner, and now I await the repairs to be done. This is exactly the sort of thing I would have expected to send me over the edge, particularly since the girl who hit me was HYSTERICAL. Instead it just felt like something I had to deal with and move on. I don't feel afraid of driving, or wish I could just pack it up and go home so my Dad could deal with it. I've gotten into a routine with my jobs, and my coworkers. I make plans with people who are moving from acquaintance to friend. My days off are times to get errands done, and clean my apartment. School starts on Monday and frankly I can't wait. I know it's going to be hard, but I feel equipped to deal with it, and I have people here who will support me through it. My parents bought tickets to come visit in May and I can't wait to show them my home, because that is what San Jose is becoming, home. Don't get me wrong I miss New York all the time. My parents, my friends, my godson so much I sometimes find myself concocting elaborate kidnapping schemes. I know Easter will be hard, but I'm driving to Oakland to have pancakes, ham, and mimosas at Christopher's house. After which I'll come back to San Jose and resume my routine. A routine I'm not just surviving, but enjoying.

California's still a bit of a fairy-tale though. Short sleeves, flip-flops, and considering turning on the AC in March? I mean, come on.

Have fun with this one Judd! I know it's a mess!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Easter has never been the same since we stopped going to the Club with Grammy, frankly. That seems like the zenith - all other Easters pale in comparison. :P

  3. I'm pretty sure my Easter will be at a Japanese Steakhouse (cheesy, I know, but it's fun and they give you a ton of food), so hooray for strange Easters!
