Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bad Blogger! Bad Blogger!

I owe you all an apology. I have become something I hate. A person with a blog who doesn't update it. I love blogs. I truly enjoy reading about people who live totally different lives then me. A city girl who married a rancher; An ex-mormon mommy blogger; A widower left to raise his daughter on his own. I celebrate their successes, I mourn their tragedies, and nothing irks me more then when they leave me hanging. I started this blog and was fairly certain the only person who read it was my Mom, and frankly I thought, 'What is so interesting about my life?'. Then slowly it came out I had followers, and rather then inflate my ego, I feel humbled that these people care enough about me to follow my successes, mourn my tragedies. A close friend's college friend who I've only met in passing but is now the facebook friend I probably communicate with most. I was sad I couldn't be there to see him star in the universities musical, and have loved watching him form his senior portfolio. My best friend's-husbands-college-room-mate's girlfriend who I met only at their wedding. She saw my love and desperation for mail and sent me a care package. A senior member of my high school rowing team, whom I idolized in high school, and whose facebook page I check regularly. She messaged me to tell me she checks my page and followed my move and my new life in California. She wanted to tell me she thought I was courageous for picking up and heading someplace new. Moving/blogging has only highlighted the kindness and generosity of others.

My study group meets at the house of one of our married, settled students. She is kind enough to open her home to us, and she and he husband have really taken us re-locaters in. She told me today she envied my focus, to be so young and so sure of my career path. My professor said the same thing to me in a meeting we had on Friday, That these two extremely successful people can find something to envy in me is really touching.

I see that same envy in me when it comes to the boy I used to nanny, William. He's 9 and he is going to be a pro tennis player. I know 9 year olds have career dreams, baseball player, firefighter, astronaut etc. Will, however, without pressure from his parents is pursuing his. He plays tennis 7 days a week. He's also on a rec soccer team, but he told me he only does that because it helps him stay in shape for tennis. The grown men at his tennis club are in awe of him. I used to play tennis with him in his driveway when he was 2. I watched him hit on a recent visit, and had to pick my jaw up off the floor. His birthday was earlier this month, and he got everything tennis. Rackets, autobiographies, DVDs of pro tournaments. The past 2 years he's had tennis birthday parties, but his parents wouldn't let him this year because it's not fair to the other kids. A gentlemen who coaches nationally ranked juniors has invited him to his private camp. His parents fully recognize that is a ton for someone so young to deal with. His father works with a gentlemen whose father played professionally and has won 4 French opens and 2 Wimbledons, and now coaches pros. So he asked him to come watch Will hit to evaluate if they're allowing him to get his hopes up. Now he's coaching him, and managing his training. I told his Mother not to forget who first played with him. I can't wait to sit front row and watch him win the US Open. I know he will someday.

The point of this post was to say I am blessed to know these people, and have them share my life. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everyone's support and love. So I will try to a better blogger.

*Stay tuned for a wine related post Tuesday AFTER my french exam!


  1. I was the same way for a very long time! I was at odds with myself about what my blog should be, exactly, so I didn't update it, and when I did, it was haphazard, childish and random.

    I haven't really gotten more focused over time, but I did start posting more often. June's blog and the acquisition of my iPhone inspired me to put photos on it now, and the fact that a few of my old friends/distant friends read it more now inspired me to write updates about my life. The fact that I love books and people always ask me for recommendations inspired me to post them in a public forum. I think it's great that you've been able to keep such a focused blog (school/new career/new life).

    And, of course, I subscribe to the same philosophy about writing as I do about reading: it doesn't matter what you are writing about, any practice at all is good for you!

  2. I don't think it was ever just your mother reading your blog. Mostly because you threatened all of us a bloodybloody death if we did not.

    But I don't mind :-)

  3. You guys are the ones who pushed me to write it. You have an obligation!
